Babysitter $800 a month, Diapers $100 a month, Formula $150 a month….Abstinence…priceless

Listen to mommy about the birds and the bees, that way you won’t get STDs

Be smart and sex free, then you won’t end up with HIV

Babies don’t come with a return policy

Don’t confuse sex with love

Don’t go knocking around, or a baby might open the door

Children shouldn’t raise children

Don’t do a thing without that ring!

Sex can wait, set a date!

First find THE ONE, then have some fun

If you are hit by cupid, don’t do something stupid

One night of pleasure doesn’t amount to a lifetime of pain. -STDs

Condoms don’t protect the heart

Don’t hop into bed, until you are wed.

Don’t feel the urge to merge…unless you’re saying I do.

Abstinence can be challenging, but it has it’s advantages

I procrastinate when it comes to sex

Have sense or face the consequences

We waited for each other
