Know safety – no pain
No safety – know pain

Safety is a full time job – don’t make it a part time practice

Be aware Take care

Safety in – we win

Safety starts with S but begins with you

Avoid the worst. Put safety first.

Don’t be a fool, use the proper tool.

Safety rules are there to follow. So take care and we will see you tomorrow.

Stay safe, someone at home is waiting for you.

Safety is as simple as ABC – Always Be Careful

The only trip you take should be on vacation.

Success is no accident

Save tomorrow.think safety today

Safety Glasses – All in favor say EYE

Safety…one habit you never need to break

When you gamble with safety you bet your life

Safety is no accident

Choose safety, for your family.

Trying to make up time could cost you your life.

At work at play, let safety lead the way.
