Life is too short, the little things don’t sweat. Live life to the fullest, have no regret.

Love the life you live, Live the Life you love.

Life goes on

The Past is History, The Future a Mystery.

Living Life to the Fullest

Life might not always go your way but be thankful for each and everyday.

Through pain or pleasure, Life is a Treasure.

Every day is a treasure, live life to every measure.

Don’t live life with regrets from the past, Live everyday as it were your last.

Life goes by so fast, Live in the present, Not in the past.

Life is too short to live in resentment, Cherish the little things and find contentment.

Love every Minute, Cherish every day, Face everything that life brings your way.

Life flies by with a blink of an eye. Don’t let it pass by, reach for the sky.

No need to worry, No need to fret. Accept what life brings with no regret.

Life is what you make of it.

Life is short, but just enough.

Make each and everyday a blast, because life goes by so fast.

life is short, don’t let it fly by, living in regrets and asking why.

Life is too short not to dream big, when life closes a door, start to dig!

You are what you think.