The tassel is worth the hassle (show picture of graduation cap)


Class of 2010: Proof that our schools don’t completely suck

Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Make it happen.

A year we won’t forget

Free at last!

A vision becoming a reality

Warning: The class of 2010 will self destruct on June 20, 2010

We are the crew, we paid our dues and now we’re through

A look back before we leap

Live each day as if it were your last.

A year to remember

Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step

Come as you are, leave as you may.

Study hard, scream out loud we’re the class of ’10 that makes you proud

Glad to be a Grad

End of an Era

Walking to a different Beat

If these walls could talk

Rollin out in 2010, we’re never coming back again
