Slogans can be used for a wide variety of causes. Whether you are looking for slogans for animal rights, anti corruption slogans or more, you will find slogans for a wide range of causes. Be sure to vote for your favorite slogans.


Don’t breed or buy, while shelter animals die.

56 ratings, 88 votes56 ratings, 88 votes +56

We are the 99%

55 ratings, 67 votes55 ratings, 67 votes +55

Do you feel it trickle down?

50 ratings, 94 votes50 ratings, 94 votes +50

Cruelty is one fashion statement we can do without

48 ratings, 106 votes48 ratings, 106 votes +48

Half the patients entering an abortion clinic never come out alive.

47 ratings, 67 votes47 ratings, 67 votes +47

The gift of blood is the gift of life

45 ratings, 77 votes45 ratings, 77 votes +45

Your contribution can help achieve a solution.

42 ratings, 64 votes42 ratings, 64 votes +42

It’s not a baby? Then you’re not pregnant!

41 ratings, 59 votes41 ratings, 59 votes +41

If you are what you eat, does that make you Dead Meat!

40 ratings, 106 votes40 ratings, 106 votes +40

Right to choose, that’s a lie
Babies Don’t choose to die

36 ratings, 54 votes36 ratings, 54 votes +36

A person is a person no matter how small

34 ratings, 42 votes34 ratings, 42 votes +34

Why should man expect his prayer for mercy to be heard by What is above him when he shows no mercy to what is under him?

33 ratings, 95 votes33 ratings, 95 votes +33

One person, one vote… NOT… One dollar, one vote!

32 ratings, 38 votes32 ratings, 38 votes +32

You are not an environmentalist if you eat factory farmed animals

31 ratings, 111 votes31 ratings, 111 votes +31

Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave

30 ratings, 44 votes30 ratings, 44 votes +30

The blood you donate gives someone another chance at life. One day that someone may be a close relative, a friend, a loved one—or even you.

30 ratings, 44 votes30 ratings, 44 votes +30

Abortion: One heart stops, another heart breaks

29 ratings, 41 votes29 ratings, 41 votes +29

Jesus loves the children of the world, the born and the unborn.

29 ratings, 34 votes29 ratings, 34 votes +29

The life you save may be your child’s

28 ratings, 46 votes28 ratings, 46 votes +28

Equal Rights for Unborn Women

28 ratings, 32 votes28 ratings, 32 votes +28